Category: Volume 39 – Issue 3

An Invitation to Vancouver

Non Plus Ultra, a Latin phrase meaning “there is nothing further beyond,” holds significant historical importance. In ancient times, it was believed to mark the end of the known world at the Pillars of...

Sex and the Machine

The visible work that you see as AAGL members from the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology is the academic output, original research, systematic reviews, images and academic videos. Behind the scenes, there is the...

Spotlight On: Endometriosis

This month we cast a spotlight on articles, SurgeryU videos, and Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (JMIG) article recommendations from the AAGL Endometriosis Special Interest Group.

AAGL Around the World

AAGL's calendar of educational opportunities from around the world is growing! We’ve now added AAGL endorsed meetings in Columbia, Florida and China. Also to note, the Louisville Course registration is now open! Make your...