Urogynecology SIG Video Spotlight

AAGL’s Urogynecology Special Interest Group (SIG) is spotlighting two videos from our massive SurgeryU library that the SIG members felt were worth sharing.
The first video spotlight covers Uterine Sparing Vaginal Extraperitoneal Colposuspension Utilizing Enplace by Drs. Vincent Lucente, Sachin Shenoy, and Micah Wright, from St. Luke’s University Health Network in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Our next video spotlight is a Step-by-Step Approach for Vaginal Hysterectomy, by Drs. Mateo Leon, Shao-Chun R. Chang-Jackson and Harold J. Miller, from University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
SurgeryU features hundreds of high-definition surgical videos from surgeons from around the world. Access to SurgeryU is one of the many benefits included in your AAGL. If you would like access to these videos, CME programming, JMIG Journal, and member-only discounts on meetings, such as the upcoming 50th Global Congress in November happening in person in Austin, Texas! These videos are being made available with public access for a limited time. Full access to SurgeryU is one of the many benefits of AAGL membership. Click here to join AAGL!