Achieving New Heights

This year, the AAGL Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology has continued to empower progress in women’s health by providing diverse, high-quality content. Thanks to the dedication of the editorial board and contributions from gifted physician authors throughout the world, JMIG remains the authoritative source for advancements in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery.
This is evident through the dramatic increase in the JMIG’s impact factor over the last year. In 2020, we marked a 33% increase with an impact factor of 4.137! (Impact factor of 3.107 in 2019). The impact factor reflects the quality of the paper as reflected by the number of times it has been cited. This puts our journal in the top quartile of all journals that publish Obstetrics and Gynecology articles that have an impact factor. In fact, JMIG is the number one journal in Obstetrics and Gynecology focused on minimally invasive gynecologic procedures.
Over the last decade, JMIG has evolved with the AAGL’s growing global membership. We are pleased to reflect the values of diversity and inclusion within our publication. The JMIG editorial board reflects AAGL’s global membership as well, as it consists of 64 members from 11 different countries.
Other features of our journal that reflect our growth include our commitment to ecological responsibility and embracing modern methods of communication. JMIG’s completely online format no longer produces hard copies which then become waste that pollutes our earth. We have also embraced a modern mindset by expanding our presence on social media and establishing the JMIG Journal Club on Twitter.
A feature that is attractive to our readers is the number of video articles included in JMIG. In fact, JMIG now has more video articles than any other journal. These videos can be viewed by everyone with access to the journal, including non-members. In addition, they are citable when authors want to reference a particular surgical technique and are included in the authors’ CV’s accordingly.
Interest in publishing in JMIG has increased dramatically. Ten years ago, the journal had about 500 pages published per year with an issue every two months. This year we release a monthly issue. The number of manuscripts submitted has risen to over 1200 with an approximate 20% acceptance rate. We receive manuscripts from all over the globe with the top 5 countries consisting of the United States, Italy, China, India and Turkey. In addition to the increased number of submissions, the quality of these publications has continued to improve, attesting to the new era of robust surgical trials.
The future of JMIG continues to depend on the high-quality submissions received. The Deputy Editor (Dr. Frishman), Associate Editors (Drs. Abbott, Boruta & Kho), Media Editor (Dr. Setubal), Social Media Editor (Dr. Truong), Statistical Editor (Dr. Wilson), and all of our managing editors are available at any time to help you with scholarly submissions or advice on reviews.
As Editor-in-Chief of JMIG, I would like to thank the AAGL for their support and the reviewers and editorial board members for their outstanding reviews. Because of your diligence, not only are the journal metrics exceptional, but the quality of the reviews exemplary. Achieving this high impact factor is further testimony of the JMIG’s effectiveness in advancing minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and improving women’s health worldwide.