Exciting Times Lie Ahead for SurgeryU in 2024!

First and foremost, congratulations are in order for our new SurgeryU Board and Special Advisors for 2024. Our final board is comprised of five new individuals, including three special advisors from 2023 who have been promoted to board members. Here is the updated list:
Board Members:
- Noor Dasouki Abu-Alnadi
- Traci Ito
- Jessica Kim
- Eung-Mi Lee
- Joseph Maurice
- Fariba Mohtashami
- Golnaz Namazi
- Michael Royce
Special Advisors:
- Carrie Shadowen (Resident Advisor)
- Lauren Van Reesema (Program Year 1 FMIGS Advisor)
- Shivani Parikh (Program Year 2 FMIGS Advisor)
We are thrilled to announce ongoing improvements to the SurgeryU website, with a particular focus on enhancing the “FMIGS” and “Resident” channels. These enhancements involve aligning them with the FMIGS PDF video curriculum and creating playlists tailored to residency education.
In March, get ready for the March Madness Mind of a Surgeon video contest! This exclusive contest is open to all FMIGS Fellowships. Head-to-head elimination tournaments will take place on the SurgeryU Instagram platform through audience polls. The deadline for video submissions is March 1, 2024, and shortly after, brackets will be created based on the number of submissions. Follow our Instagram handle @surgeryu_aagl and be sure to cast your vote during our tournament!
Our schedule for 2024 includes a lineup of industry and Special Interest Group webinars. Additionally, keep an eye out in June 2024 for our exclusive webinar, “Surgical Video Editing with SurgeryU Board Editors,” where we’ll share insights into what we’re looking for and how to create award-winning surgical video presentations!
As we embark on this exciting journey in 2024, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support. Your membership is invaluable to us, and we encourage you to actively participate in the vibrant SurgeryU community. Share your expertise, experiences, and innovations with fellow members by submitting your surgical videos to SurgeryU. Detailed guidelines for video submissions can be found on our website. Your contributions play a pivotal role in fostering a collaborative and enriching environment for everyone involved.
Thank you for being an essential part of SurgeryU, and we look forward to witnessing the remarkable advancements and achievements that this year will undoubtedly bring.