JMIG Social Media: Expanding Beyond the Pages of the Journal

The JMIG Social Media Editor position was introduced in 2016 under former JMIG Editor-in-Chief, Tommaso Falcone, and has since transformed into a 15-person committee of Social Media Scholars. Our vision as the JMIG Social Media Committee, has always been to be an evidence-based voice for the minimally invasive gynecologic surgery community beyond the pages of the journal and to foster multi-directional engagement of our members and readers.
This vision has taken on a whole new dimension with the evolving nature of social media and the journal’s transition from paper to being completely online. Our efforts focus on expanding the journal beyond the confines of traditional access points as we now see that flipping through the journal cover to cover is no longer the primary way readers interact with the journal. The JMIG Social Media Committee initiatives therefore serve to not only disseminate evidence-based practices in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery but also to connect our members, readers, and authors from all walks of life. We highlight the people behind the scholarly work of the journal through social media.
Thanks to our JMIG Social Media (SoMe) Scholars, these are the various creative initiatives that have been implemented:
- #JMIGjc- JMIG journal club on X/Twitter (every 3rd Thursday of the month). New this year, while articles of high scholarly interest are still reviewed, articles are now generally selected to match the FMIGS Curriculum topic of the month and continue to be hosted by JMIGS SoMe Scholars, trainees or faculty at various institutions around the world. Authors are also invited to participate.
- #JMIGTakeHomeTuesdays: Quick one liner summary of JMIG articles in the current issue.
- #JMIGFotoFridays: Highlights published JMIG images
- JMIG Author’s Spotlight: Highlights video article authors
- #JMIGPodcasts: Features scholar activity from trainees and recent graduates (YAN)
- #JMIGVisualAbstracts: Visual summaries of JMIG articles in the current issue
- JMIG New Year Countdown: Summary of the top 10 most read articles in the past year
What’s new?
Initiatives for Simulation and Education:
- #JMIGSimSundays was launched this year to highlight simulation and education JMIG publications and to encourage sharing of simulation and education projects. Given recent implementation of EMIGS, EMIGS tips are also highlighted every other month during Sim Sundays.
- JMIG is also piloting a new article submission type that allows authors to submit MIGS related simulation and education projects for peer-review publication “JMIG Simulation and Education: From Paper to Action.” The goal would be to foster an avenue not just to highlight simulation and education in a scholarly manner but also to provide trainees and educators “plug and play” templates to distribute training tools and curricula.
Increased opportunities for authors to disseminate their research:
Visual Abstract submission: Authors will soon be able to submit Visual Abstracts upon acceptance for publication. This will allow increased opportunity and exposure for the authors to highlight their work in social media.
The JMIG Social Media Scholars Program, established in 2019, offers trainees and new graduates a chance to engage with the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology early in their careers. This two-year program allows scholars to collaborate with the JMIG Editorial Board on a variety of initiatives and provides the opportunity to design and execute their own projects.
As the JMIG Social Media Deputy Editor and on behalf of the JMIG Editorial Board, I would like to thank all of our JMIG Social Media Scholars for their hard work and contributions to the journal and for their creative ideas that have transformed JMIG’s digital footprint.
- 2019: Emad Mikhail, Peter Movilla, Cristobal Rodriguez Valero, Alyssa Small
- 2020: Sadikah Behbehani, Ritchie Delara, Jacob Lauer
- 2021: Kathleen Ackert, Kaylee Brooks, Courtney Fox, Meenal Misal, Adriana Wong
- 2022: Ogechukwu Ezike, Frances Fei, Veronica Galaviz, Katerina Litvinova, Mariana Moncada Madrazo, Daniel Nassar
- 2023: Abigail Barger, Stephanie Kass, Kristina Karlson, Tarana Lucky, Sarah Santiago, Monserrat Vargas, Sarah Weinstein
To apply to be a JMIG Social Media Scholar: JMIG SoMe Scholar Application 2024
Want to highlight your research in JMIG Social Media or get more involved? Get involved with JMIG