Calling All Volunteer Leaders: Nominations for the AAGL Board of Directors are Now Being Accepted
In accordance with our Bylaws, each year the Board of Directors rotates in five (5) new members: Secretary-Treasurer (a 4-year term position that ascends to Vice-President, President, and Immediate Past-President); and 4 Director positions for 2-year terms, consisting of 2 members from the General Membership; 1 from the Europe/Middle East/Africa region; and 1 from the Canada/United States region. And, as with last year, self-nominations are accepted!
The Secretary-Treasurer candidates must have served a previous 2-year term on the Board of Directors, and must review the Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure and Disassociation Policy and complete the COI Disclosure Questionnaire. Candidates for Director positions must be current AAGL members in good standing. For any position, you must submit a 1-page vision statement and your current CV to