President’s Message – Summer Education in Exotic Locations!

As we come into the summer months, I wanted to remind you of the opportunity to participate in some of our International Affiliated Society Meetings.
Several have been planned, including Ahmedabad, India, June 7-9; Verona, Italy, July 9-12 and Medellin, Colombia, August 16-18. If you’ve never attended an AAGL International Affiliated Meeting, I challenge you to do so this summer. Members who have gone, have experienced the warmth and hospitality of their peers and have been able to participate in exceptional medical and social exchanges. As you will note, by Dr. Ceccaroni’s article on the recent congress in Firenze, Italy, last month, the congress exceeded all of our expectations. The opportunity to meet with physicians from 65 countries, and see 40 live surgeries performed from three different hospitals was truly a treat. And the live cadaver dissection at the Leonardo DaVinci Anatomical Laboratory, that had last been used over 500 years ago, by DaVinci himself, was an exceptional experience for all.
Although we will be in the middle of the meeting in Ahmedabad, India, when this publication hits, we hope that some of you took the chance to visit and enjoy this congress. Known as one of the safest and most picturesque locations in India, Ahmedabad serves as the perfect backdrop for this conference led by Drs. Mahesh Gupta, Sanjay Patel, Phagun Shah and Dipak Limbachiya. This exciting congress will include 7 live surgeries in both 3D and HD from hospitals all over India. Topics will cover the gamut of minimally invasive surgery and will include lectures on oncology, endometriosis, TLH, robotics, bladder dissection, pelvic reconstructive surgery and more.
If you want to experience the beautiful city of Verona and take a deep dive into Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy, you must attend the 1st ISSA International Hands-on Intensive Master in Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis and Techniques Chaired by Drs. Marcello Ceccaroni and Shailesh Puntambekar. This intensive 4-day workshop is scheduled for July 9-12, 2019 and will take the participants through step-by-step surgical approaches to the pelvic viscera and the different surgically treatable diseases affecting them with particular focus on benign disease. This course is limited so we encourage you to register soon.
If you can’t get away until August, then Medellin, Colombia, may be the choice for you. The conference Chair, Dr. JD Villegas has planned a summit that will take a close look into Endometriosis and study its epidemiology, genetics and physiopathology. Topics will also include the medical and surgical management of endometriosis and its impact on infertility. Medellin is now a vibrant destination for travelers seeking a culturally rich experience. Located in the Aburra Valley, the city is located in a naturally beautiful location and not far from the lush jungle. We encourage you to come and experience this beautiful location surrounded by our peers in South America.
I can only tell you that it has been my pleasure to participate in some of these meetings which have deepened friendships and my knowledge of the surgical procedures and therapies that we utilize.
If you would like to register for any of these meetings, they can be found on the AAGL website at