SurgeryU – 2019: A Year in Review and Beyond

2019 has been a busy year for SurgeryU and the Editorial Board. As Editor In Chief, I wanted to take a few moments to review some of our accomplishments and give you a window into what we are planning for 2020.
Accomplishments for 2019:
- We recently published new CME content for our members and non-members. These lectures were specifically chosen from the 2018 Annual Congress by the Editorial Board for their excellent content and clinical relevance. You can find these lectures in the CME library on the SurgeryU Homepage.
- We are excited to announce that all AAGL members can now submit content for SurgeryU! The submission process is easy and quick. Once you are logged in, you will see a link for “Upload” in the upper right-hand side of the Homepage under “My SurgeryU”. If you are submitting content, please review the Guidelines and Grading Criteria prior to submitting your work. The link is available at the top of the Video Upload Form. We look forward to everyone’s amazing contributions.
- The Residents’ Curriculum (titled: SurgeryU-ACOG) is now complete and joins the Fellows’ FMIGS Curriculum in the Curriculum library on the homepage. This is a great educational tool for all years of residency and has been endorsed by ACOG. Feel free to incorporate it into your residents’ didactics schedule.
- Webinar series for the Fellows’ Bootcamp (open to all members). The Webinar allowed world renowned experts to interact in real time with our members as they presented their material.
Plans for 2020:
- Expand our CME offerings by publishing content from the 2019 Annual Congress for CME credits very soon. We will let you know as soon as the lectures are published so be sure to check out these amazing lectures and earn CME credits at the same time.
- Our goal is to make the Webinar Series for Fellows a year-long event with a live webinar monthly. The series will run over 24 months and provide amazing educational content for all of our members. We will keep you posted on dates and times of these live events.
- We will continue to expand our collaboration with affiliated international societies. SurgeryU is partnering with multiple societies to help house their surgical videos for their members to watch. AAGL members will benefit from this partnership as the SurgeryU Editorial Board will hand select the best of these videos and highlight them for our membership.
- We are working on adding videos presented at the 2019 Annual Congress into the library. Don’t worry if you missed any of the amazing videos shown in Vancouver! We should have those videos up and running for your viewing pleasure soon.
As this year comes to a close, I look back at all that we have accomplished in 2019 with great pride. Also, I am excited for all the amazing new content and projects that we have in store for 2020. I believe SurgeryU will continue to be a great resource and tool for our membership and subspecialty. I would also like to thank my Editorial Board and the SurgeryU team for all of their hard work and dedication. SurgeryU is truly a team effort and I know I have the best team in the business! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from SurgeryU!