Fibroids and PAG SIG Video Spotlight

This month we are featuring videos from the Fibroids and PAG Special Interest Groups, that have been selected from our massive SurgeryU library which they thought were worth sharing.
SurgeryU features hundreds of high-definition surgical videos from surgeons from around the world. Access to SurgeryU is one of the many benefits included in your AAGL membership. If you would like access to these videos, CME programming, JMIG Journal, and member-only discounts on meetings, join AAGL today. These videos are being made available with public access for a limited time. Click here to join AAGL!
PAG Videos include:
- Laparoscopic Gonadectomy in a 46 XY Gondal Dysgensis selected by Katrin S. Arnolds, MD.
- Microperforate Hymenal Revision by Angie Hamouie, MD, PhD.
Fibroids SIG Videos include:
- Laparoscopic Removal of True Broad Ligament Fibroid – Revisiting Bonney’s Technique by Neena Malhotra, MD, DNB, CRCOG.
- Combined Hysteroscopic Resection and Laparoscopic – Radio Frequency Ablation of Uterine by Brandi Musselman, MD.