15th International Congress on MIGS – It’s a Wrap!
The 15th AAGL International Congress on Minimally Invasive Gynecology in affiliation with the Italian Society SEGi (Società Italiana di Endoscopia Ginecologica) took place in May and the meeting was a wild success! “WOW: Surgical Renaissance WOrldWide”, has been a fantastic occasion to gather, in one place, with more than 800 delegates, faculty and friends from 62 different countries all over the world! Key participants include the Scientific Program Chairs Marcello Ceccaroni, MD, PhD and Mario Malzoni, MD, the Presidents Massimo Candiani, MD, Marie Fidela R. Paraiso, MD and Linda Michels, AAGL’s Executive Director.
Crucial topics were presented in plenary sessions and many satellite symposia such as: endometriosis, hysteroscopy, laser surgery in gynecology, minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic cancer, pelvic floor surgery, robotics and minimally invasive surgery, surgical anatomy, neuropelveology and vaginal access in minimally invasive surgery. Incredible were the PG cadaveric courses, which took place in an original 17th Century Lemon-House.
The International Congress kicked off with an opening ceremony and an impressive line-up Florence’s architectural beauties, arts and traditions. Musicians and a tenor presenting great Italian tunes accompanied the duration of this memorable opening session. At the core of the opening ceremony was a live lecture on “Embryogenesis, History and Evolution of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: 30 Years After” taken by the “first man on laparoscopic moon,” Dr. Harry Reich.
The International Congress reached its peak when Dr. Marcello Ceccaroni went beyond anyone’s expectations and performed an overwhelming keynote laparoscopic anatomic dissection in the original anatomical theatre used by Leonardo da Vinci to dissect human bodies in the 15th century at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital (built in 1288 by the father of Dante’s Beatrice).
The anatomical room had never been opened to visitors or anatomical activities since Leonardo, who was the last to “lock its door.”
This keynote dissection, which passed through 500 years of art, medicine, philosophy, technology and culture, gained a meaning which goes beyond the scientific purposes, as for the first time in that place, a colored cadaver was dissected, in order to stand against any form of racism and prejudices, according to Leonardo’s example.
Over the course of the meeting days, professionals from around the world presented important scientific topics.
Live surgeries from Rome University Hospital Policlinico A. Gemelli, from Milan San Raffaele Hospital and Florence Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, where renowned surgeons performed at their best robotic, vaginal, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures. The scientific program ended with two complex surgical interventions related to deep endometriosis eradication broadcasted by Endoscopica Malzoni (Avellino) and the IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital (Negrar, Verona), performed by Drs. Mario Malzoni and Marcello Ceccaroni.
This meeting concluded with a closing gala dinner in the glorious Palazzo Vecchio, the same venue which hosted the G8 in 2009. This unique event in Florence really represented a WOW factor and look into the history of an AAGL International Congress with a mix of art, beauty, technology and science, tracing the path for starting a New Renaissance Worldwide.
Don’t worry, if you missed the meeting this year, here’s a special slideshow created from the meeting!