Submit Your Course Proposals For the 2025 Global Congress!

While we are still basking in the glow of our time together in New Orleans, I encourage you to begin thinking of our program for 2025. The expertise of our membership is the foundation of the courses developed to educate one another, push our field forward, and make a positive impact on women’s health.
Throughout our careers, advancements in technology and now AI, require a new kind of learning. As we embrace the future of surgery, let us explore together the impact of these developments on our field. The theme of the 2025 Global Congress is Transforming Women’s Health and Surgery with Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Innovation. To develop a well-rounded, robust Scientific Program around this theme, I urge you to submit a course proposal for consideration in the 2025 Global Congress Scientific Program.
Through MEDTalks, Debates, Panels, Surgical Tutorials, PG Courses and our new Snapshot Sessions (A 20-minute course with a single, succinct focus), we will discover the most innovative techniques and best practices in our field. For consideration in the 2025 Scientific Program, all submissions must be completed by January 17, 2025.
On behalf of your colleagues and our patients, thank you for contributing your expertise!