AAGL 2019 Global Congress: Here’s to Vancouver!
This year’s Scientific Program Committee is preparing an amazing learning experience for you at the AAGL 2019 Global Congress, November 9-13 in Vancouver, B.C. Canada, and we can’t wait to share it with you. This year’s meeting will focus on:
- Teamwork is important to everything we do. Our successes build on teams that we lead in the operating room, the office, and the hospital, and our patients depend on these interactions functioning at their highest level. Liz Wiseman pioneered the concept of “multipliers,” who are leaders that inspire every member on their team so that the group functions at a synergistic level. She will be our keynote speaker, and you will see the theme of “Becoming a Surgical Multiplier – Inspiring Brilliance” throughout the meeting.
- Scheduling with a theme: We have redesigned the format of the meeting so that you can easily choose subject areas that are most pertinent to your learning. Themed sessions, such as laparoscopy, robotics, oncology, hysteroscopy, endometriosis, urogynecology, education, and reproductive medicine, will include plenary presentations, surgical tutorials, panels, and videos. This should make the meeting easier to navigate.
- Global focus: AAGL is fortunate to truly be a global society. Half of our 7000+ members are from outside the United States, over 70 countries are represented in our membership, and surgeons from every area of the world serve on our Board of Directors and our Scientific Program Committee. This year, the Annual Congress will feature a new “Lecture from Around the World” session, where AAGL Affiliated Societies from around the globe will have the opportunity to present their top abstract in a headlining feature format. In addition, experts from around the world will be featured in live surgery and in dissections throughout the meeting.
- Scientific rigor: Abstracts and videos presented at the AAGL are always outstanding, but this year the Scientific Program Committee has developed a new abstract grading process to enhance the level of science presented at the meeting. We have developed a grading rubric, standardized the grading process, established category leads who are experts in specific subject areas to design and develop the sessions, and enabled graders with expertise in subject areas to grade within those areas. We think you will see these improvements reflected in an even better program this year.
- Innovation: The AAGL is always innovative in concept and design, and this year we are including such topics as uterine transplant, transgender care, and neuropelveology in our curriculum.
- Inclusion and diversity: More than just words, the Scientific Program Committee has asked the Inclusion and Diversity Committee to ensure that broad representation reflecting our membership is present across our program, and we are proud to include members, leaders, and teachers of all backgrounds, national origins, gender, and ethnicities in our program.
- Social program and wellness: Last, but not least, what a fabulous city! Vancouver, with its coastline, parks, shopping, dining, and more provides an incredible setting to celebrate being together! Our social program includes a black-tie casino night and tours through Vancouver to help support the Foundation of AAGL! Our wellness program will also feature daily yoga practice lead by surgeons who are certified yoga instructors and will have family-centered activities for our spouses and children attending the congress. Bring your family and let’s learn and celebrate!
Please bookmark 2019.aagl.org in your internet navigation bar – the meeting microsite is your one stop shop for all things Congress! Be sure to join the excitement on Facebook, Twitter and Insta using the #AAGL2019 hashtag. Register for your first-choice postgraduate course didactic and/and or lab selections and support the Foundation of AAGL by purchasing an optional tour or Gala ticket. We’ve got something for everyone at this year’s meeting. On behalf of the 2019 Scientific Program Committee, here’s to Vancouver!