Letter from the President of the Foundation of the AAGL
These are new and unprecedented times. As we embark on a new year of galvanizing support for the Foundation of the AAGL, it is a privilege to lend my energy to the organization that has become the premier association for gynecologic surgery worldwide. I am inspired to continue the dedication and hard work toward fulfilling our mission. The Foundation exists to provide the resources to support the AAGL by funding scholarships, teaching opportunities, academic research, global outreach, and mentorship―with the ultimate goal of elevating minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and improving women’s health.
As a medical community, we are facing new challenges that most of us in the United States have never had to face before. Elective cases are being put on hold, many clinics are closing or on high alert and some of our patients are ill from the novel Coronavirus. We are reminded to hold sacred that which is most valuable and important to us: our health and our loved ones. Times of crisis can also remind us to give back to an organization that has supported our careers, fostered our continued learning and kept us at the frontier of surgery and medicine.
This is an important time for me to lead and be involved with the Foundation. In the upcoming year, we will be increasing our collaboration with research, industry, academia, individual donors, and various business partners from around the world to continue our upward trajectory toward the betterment of this great organization. AAGL is truly one of the most globally minded medical associations in the world. This international connection keeps us at the forefront of minimally invasive surgical progress.
In January of this year, the Foundation Board met and finalized our strategic plan, clarified our mission and solidified our culture of philanthropy. I am optimistic about the future and truly believe that the Foundation will continue forward with strong purpose and commitment. Thus, a sincere thank you to the entire Foundation Board for their perseverance, leadership, engagement, and dedication this year.
None of these endeavors are possible, however, without the tremendous generosity of our AAGL members and donors. Through your donations, more scholarships and training opportunities are awarded to OB-GYN residents, AAGL Fellows, Young Alumni, and AAGL members every year. Most importantly, your contribution fosters outreach, education and training opportunities, and provides community benefits for local and global underserved populations. In the years to come, we hope to expand our resources and thereby expand the frontier of MIGS by providing resources to support innovative research in the complex field of women’s health. Your generous contributions are creating the opportunities, and you are improving lives. Your contributions absolutely make a difference.
This is your AAGL, your Foundation, and your Future. You Make the Difference!