JMIG: Making an Impact in Women’s Health

It is with great pleasure that I announce another year of tremendous impact in women’s health through the work of The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (JMIG).
Our rigorous editing standards and your contributions as authors and reviewers continue to make JMIG the authoritative source for informing practicing physicians of the latest, most cutting-edge developments occurring in gynecologic endoscopy and other minimally invasive procedures.
The impact factor of JMIG in 2019 is very exciting! In 2019, JMIG increased its impact from 2.5 (2018) to 3.1 (2019)! Out of the 82 professional OBGYN journals dedicated to women’s health, JMIG is ranked 19th and has the highest impact factor of a journal that focuses on gynecologic surgery.
The recognition of our Journal through so many citations reflects the high academic caliber of the manuscripts accepted. JMIG now attracts the highest number of submitted manuscripts in its’ history. Last year over 1100 (1181 in 2019) original manuscripts were submitted. Our overall acceptance rate is 22% for original research and 4.5% for case reports.
Our impact factor is not only a tribute to the authors of the papers but also to our reviewers who improve the quality of the published papers with their critical, respectful reviews. Detailed reviews are essential to our high quality of work and do not limit our ability to publish papers quickly.
For a list of the most frequently cited articles that contributed to the 2019 JMIG Impact Factor, see the JMIG- 2019 Impact Factor Collection. I have also included a summary of the types of articles submitted and accepted by JMIG for publication over the last year. My hope is that these findings will give you insight into the potential article you may want to write and inspire you to contribute to JMIG’s future impact through an article of your own.