AAGL22 – Call For Abstracts

The AAGL Scientific Program Committee invites you to submit an abstract or video for presentation at the 51st AAGL Global Congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. This year, the meeting will be held on December 1-4, 2022 at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado. AAGL anticipates a large in-person and online attendance at this meeting. The Committee invites physicians, engineers, scientists, and allied health professionals, dedicated to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care and research through development and utilization of gynecologic endoscopic instruments, devices, and systems, to submit oral or video abstracts.
Sharing research in minimally invasive gynecologic techniques and improving medical care are primary objectives of the Global Congress. This is accomplished through your abstract or video submission and sharing your experiences and outcomes your peers. Make plans to be one of the presenters at the year’s premier MIGS education and networking event. The Call for Abstracts includes written (oral) and video abstracts, as well as scientific posters. The online abstract submission platform allows you to start your abstract, save it, complete it (at a later date, if necessary), and then submit it. Don’t wait until the last moment and risk missing the deadline. We encourage you to begin your abstract now by entering the front-end information, disclosures, and a draft of the body. You can save it and come back later to revise and finish it for submission. After the Call for Abstracts closes, the abstracts and videos are peer reviewed using a standard grading system developed by the grading committee. Acceptance and assignment to a day and time on the scientific program the week of August 1st.
Details and submission information is posted on the official meeting site (Under the program tab on the navigation bar) so be sure to bookmark this page. https://congress.aagl.org/. For abstract questions please contact: abstracts@aagl.org.
Important Dates:
- Call for Abstracts Opens: Monday, 2/28
- Deadline to submit without Fee: Friday, 4/15
- $50 Fee applies for submissions: Saturday, 4/16- Monday, 5/2
- Deadline to submit: Monday, 5/2 at 11:59 pm PST
- Notifications sent: Week of August 1