Planning for AAGL’s Future

Years ago, when the AAGL was formed, our founders cast their vision for the future of the AAGL and the steps that we should take to develop it into the robust, global influencer that we are today. Last month, your current AAGL Board, along with other key stakeholders, met together to brainstorm, dream, and envision an ideal future state of the AAGL. In addition, we prioritized strategic initiatives, laid out over the next three years, that will set our course. As an association of individuals with similar purpose, I suspect you will also feel inspired and excited by these visions for the future of the AAGL. You will also see that we are well on our way towards these ideals.
The model AAGL of the future is a highly diverse, inclusive and omni present organization that is the association of first choice for gynecological surgeons worldwide. We will effectively use strategic partners and international communities to revolutionize our profession. This will be done, in part, through delivery of globally accessible, highest quality trainings and education and the utilization of emerging technologies (AI) and platforms that support, and effortlessly share, evidence-based practices. The result will be safe and accessible services that significantly improve the quality of life for women, regardless of geographical location or boundaries.
In addition, we envision that the AAGL of the future will advance the science within our industry through ongoing research and publication efforts. We foresee data collection and registries that gather and sift critical information to give us greater insight and planning.
AAGL’s influential voice will continue to grow throughout the world, positioning the organization to impact policy, standards, guidelines, and best practices within and between its disciplines. We will reach far and wide to support and draw from our global network of legacy and emerging practitioners.
To guide us to the ideal AAGL of the future, we envision three priority, strategic initiatives. These initiatives develop the AAGL in education, research, and marketing. Our vision for education is that for more residents and patients, the AAGL will become the “go to” place for knowledge and networking. AAGL’s standards and guidelines will impact and shape the industry. Through diversified programming and optimal use of technology we will reach a greater, more diverse audience, closing the competitive gaps with CME providers. We envision that the AAGL is to become an association whose vast research, and collaborative work, move our profession forward.
Ongoing, high-quality research will lead to an AAGL that has grown in credibility, influence, respect, and attractiveness. Due to our research success, we will see an increase in grant opportunities, greater involvement, more social media engagement, and more publications.
We also set our sights on marketing strategies that will develop an AAGL that has a strong digital presence and platforms that are global reaching and easy to use. This will create broader participation from more remote areas of the world who have access to the Internet. We anticipate greater traffic to our social media and websites, greater use of our resources, increased membership, revenues, and a greater sense of community. We envision an AAGL that is the most well-known, accessible, relevant, tech savvy association whose global reach and clarity of voice establishes AAGL as the top organization in the market.
Through these successful initiatives, AAGL will attract, educate, and inspire more minimally invasive gynecologic surgeons worldwide and influence the future of MIGS, thereby fulfilling our mission to advance minimally invasive gynecologic surgery throughout the world.
It will take our united effort to bring these visions to fruition. In what ways will you add your unique qualities and skills to our collective advancement? Your dedicated daily work, your commitment to your personal and professional growth, your service in mentoring young MIG surgeons, and your discoveries through research and practice, directly contribute to the development of this ideal AAGL. What we each do matters. First, we dream it. Then we practice the daily steps necessary to reach these aspirations. Then finally, together, we make it a reality.