The Foundation of the AAGL Honors A Leader

As I step into my new role as President of The Foundation of the AAGL (The Foundation) Board, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and recognize the incredible leadership of our former Board President, Dr. R. Edward Betcher. Dr. Betcher has given so much to The Foundation in his two-term role as President of the Board of Directors. He successfully led the organization in 2018 and then in early 2019, when the position was unexpectedly vacated, he generously gave again of his time and service by resuming the presidency.
Under Dr. Betcher’s leadership, The Foundation made great strides to increase awareness of our work throughout the AAGL membership. Dr. Betcher led the way in filling our board positions with incredibly talented people, all of whom have a passion for the AAGL and for fundraising. Together we created The Foundation’s mission, vision and goals, set policies, revised awards, better recognized donors, identified investments to create a stronger portfolio, revitalized The Foundation website and raised almost double their original $100,00 fundraising goal. Dr. Betcher’s strong leadership was vital in establishing a stronger Foundation presence at the Annual Congress by hosting FUNdraising events like Top Golf, pub crawls, silent auctions and in 2019 creating a new Foundation Lounge as a hub for merchandise, selfies, donation stations and a smoothie bar. In 2019, he inspired all of us by spearheading a “Board Challenge” that encouraged all AAGL Boards to donate to the Foundation of the AAGL. Dr. Betcher’s example reminds us that one person can truly inspire us and make a difference.
Eddie, thank you for your service, your leadership and for giving so much of yourself to The Foundation of the AAGL.