2023 Global Congress on Hysteroscopy

The Global Congress on Hysteroscopy and Intrauterine Surgery (GCH23), organized by the Global Community of Hysteroscopy (GCH) and chaired by Sergio Haimovich (Chair of the AAGL Hysteroscopy SIG), Luis Alonso Pacheco, and Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, took place April 26-28 in Spain.
More than 800 attendees from 67 countries gathered in Sitges, a small and special town near Barcelona. The program included the world’s leading specialists in intrauterine surgery and hysteroscopy, together with new and young talented speakers. Among the many topics presented, two received special attention, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Reproduction.
More than 150 works were sent for the event, most with a very high scientific level, and the best in each category (oral communication, video communication and poster) got an economical award. Dr Erica Robinson, recently elected as the Hysteroscopy SIG Vice-Chair, won the award for the best video communication.
The AAGL had an important role due to the participation of the members in the session as speakers but also due to a special AAGL session chaired by Dr. Christina Salazar (Immediate past Chair of the Hysteroscopy SIG) that had full room participation. The session was moderated by Dr. Ted Anderson (Secretary-Treasurer of the AAGL), who also participated as speaker along with Dr. Salazar, Dr. Jovana Tavcar, and Dr. Erica Robinson. “I am grateful to have been a part of this meeting which was an opportunity for learners and masters of intra-uterine surgery from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in a relaxed supportive environment,” shared Dr. Anderson.
One of the most important achievements was the creation of a Task Force for Endometrial Research with participants of the AAGL (Dr. Keith Isaacson and Dr. Malcolm Munro), GCH and the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) working together on a two-year program.
Something that all the attendees highlighted was the special atmosphere during the event, where we all shared friendship and a common passion for our work.
The GCH Executive Committee has already started to work on the next Congress, GCH25.