Category: Volume 33, Issue 4

AAGL’s Research Committee Goals

As the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) continues to grow, our organization realizes the importance of taking a deliberate approach to building and maintaining a research committee.  One of this committee's main objectives...

India’s ENDO ATM Meeting Attracts 700+

The Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists (IAGE) held its Annual National Conference this past June.  This year’s conference, “ENDO ATM” (Adolescence to Menopause) attracted more than 700 participants from five countries. This was a...

Laparoscopy Inside the Walls of Verona

“If you love someone, bring them to Verona.” This is exactly what Marcello Ceccaroni set out to do.  The First ISSA International, Hands-on Intensive Master in Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of the...
SIG Spotlight: Hysteroscopy

Why So Many Blind D&C’s?

While attending the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy this past spring, I was impressed at the quality of work being done in the field of hysteroscopy.  Long-removed from its days as a simple diagnostic adjunct,...